Sunday, November 4, 2007

modern convienences... who needs em?

Hello from peru. sorry I dont have time to send a lot of comments but i figured i could blog to atleast let everyone know what I am up to. So far all is good, we haven´t started our actual jobs yet but when we do i will be teaching english in three places at least three times a week, teaching music, sabbath school and womens classes as well as working in a medical clinic every six weeks. recently they have installed running water but no electricity. i really kinda like that because it is so peaceful, promotes communication, and the stars here are the most amazing thing i have ever seen (well right up there with peruvian sunsets). All though sites from home are definitely more special, the beauty here is amazing (once you look past run down shacks and dirt roads) the jungle is great and the weather is hot but all is well. We have some leway with the food so creativity is helpful and the food here is cheap so we are eating good. Oh and just a side note... you can buy monkeys in the market for like 20 bucks although not entirely legally... anyways gotta run. Until next time, lots of love, thoughts and prayers, Tara

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